Alfish Iyagel (toasted peas)
4 servings

1 cup peas
1 cup mote*


Toast the peas into a dried saucepan, then put it on the stove. Stir with a flax stalk or a wood spoon to avoid overcooking.
Cook to soften into a saucepan with water, then mix with the mote* and spread the peas. Serve with a tasty hot "ajicito" (chili).
It could be prepared also with broad bean in the same way.


* Mote is wheat that was peeled by lejía (ashes). Leave to soak and then add to the stew.

Nutrition Information
Per serving
Calories: 345.7
Protein: 19.6g
Fat: 1.9g
Carbohydrate: 62.2g
Legumes (peas) are high in protein content.

Source: Mapuche Recipes.

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